Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags
Exposed: How Climate Racketeers Aim To Force Us Into Smart Gulags

Smart cities, 15-minute cities, and predictions of moving rural citizens to cities have been in the works for at least 30 years. China was ahead of the curve by moving 300 million farmers to cities, stripping them of their land, their generational profession, and their dignity.

Smart Cities

Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark
Flatulent Cows, Sheep, And Pigs Face World’s First Carbon Tax In Denmark

The insane and anti-human war on food and carbon intensifies at the same time, virtually assuring famine in due time. That these technocrats cannot think beyond the end of their nose is clear, but it is just as clear that they should NEVER be in a position to make policy for everyone else.

Food Systems

‘Climate Change’ Is A $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer From The Poor To The Rich
‘Climate Change’ Is A $100 Trillion Wealth Transfer From The Poor To The Rich

I have repeatedly said that the Trilateral Commission's original objective was to fleece the world by stealing all the resources. Many other astute thinkers have pierced the veil, like the authors of The Earth Brokers in 1994: "We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.”


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Climate Change

UNDP: Why Legal Identity Is Crucial To Tackling The Climate And Energy Crisis

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy, which is predicated on digital identity for all humans on Earth. Climate and energy have nothing to do with it. The 850 million people who have no identity (in poorer countries) are hardly the cause of global warming. Nevertheless, the UNDP claims that "national ID systems are indispensable tools in confronting the climate and energy crisis."

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2030 Agenda

How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans?

How did all this garbage - pure Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy - show up in our cities and states? Answer: a full-court barrage of UN agents. I dare you to search for your city and the words "climate action plan" on Google. You will be shocked! I estimate that seventy percent of all cities already have a formal plan, and another twenty percent are working on it.

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Sustainable Development

Flashback: When The UN Launched ‘SDG Publishers Compact’ In October 2020

In the heat of the Great Panic of 2020 (COVID-mania), the UN started signing up publishers around the world to support its globalist narrative regarding the Sustainable Development Goals. Wrapped into the SDGs was support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and its strategy for "One Health." In less than 4 years, the publishing world has sung the praises of One Health.

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