June 7, 2018

Civil Liberties Groups Press Trump Admin On NSA Call Record Collection

]The Trump administration is being further tested to see how friendly it is to Technocrats, or not. There have been many questionable things take place since Trump took office, especially in the intelligence community. For instance, the NSA and DHS are both far from reined in over their Constitutional violations.

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Chinese Spies Engaged In Massive Theft of U.S. Technology

Since China morphed into a full-fledged Technocracy by 1998, it adopted the typical Technocrat mindset that any technology is their technology and should be free for the taking. Thus, China does not see this as a crime, but rather an opportunity. Unfortunately, Technocrats in America didn't see it as a crime either, and let them get away with stripping us naked.

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Facebook, Amazon, Google And Twitter All Work With Left-Wing SPLC

Big Tech, steeped in Technocracy, finds a working relationship with the ultra-left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) based on the principle, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Big Tech's core value system is based on Scientism, a utopian religion that views itself as the sole custodian of truth; thus, all other values must be eradicated.

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