July 2018

Technocracy In Education: “A Continental System Of Human Conditioning”

Dr. Tim Ball doesn't mention it by name, but what he describes is pure Technocracy at heart. In 1934, the Technocracy Study Course defined education as “A continental system of human conditioning will have to be installed to replace the existing insufficient educational methods and institutions. This continental system of general education will have to be organized as to provide the fullest possible conditioning and physical training… It must educate and train the student public so as to obtain the highest possible percentage of proficient functional capacity. “ 

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Scare Mongering Virus Threatens To Kill Over 10% Of World’s Population

Big Pharma has apparently joined forces with the Military/Industrial Establishment in fighting bio-terrorism. What will save the rest of the world from being killed? Vaccines, of course. The word 'vaccine' is used 8 times in this short article and even the king of vaccines, Bill Gates, is mentioned.

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Trilateral Commission: 5G Technology Will Be The Backbone Of Smart Cities

Gen. James Jones is a member of the Trilateral Commission and was President Obama's first National Security Advisor (NSA). He never used computers at the White House because they were not secure, but for us, somehow 5G is going to be secure as it lights up Smart Cities and autonomous driving? Consider the source: the Trilateral Commission has been the primary actor in pushing modern Technocracy since its inception in 1973.

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Technocrats Harvest Data From Millions Of Underage High School Students

If data exists in any form, you can be sure there will be Technocrat data hoarders close at hand to harvest it.  The unrestricted use and spread of very personal data belonging to minors puts them at risk for the rest of their lives because once public, the data can never be re-protected. This will eventually happen with DNA data as well.

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China’s Technocrats Are Using Dispassionate AI To Build Foreign Policy

As a Technocracy, China believes that science can solve any and all problems faced by its society. Thus, it is logical that they would apply AI to foreign policy, but it is also extremely dangerous to remove human judgement from the equation. AI is dispassionate and completely devoid of emotions.

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Secret Surveillance Program At TSA Tracks Regular Travelers Like Terrorists

The Department of Homeland Security which runs the TSA has long since gone rogue is trampling U.S. citizens' Constitutional Rights under the Fourth Amendment. Even Federal Air Marshals themselves question the legality of their actions. A police state is necessary for Technocracy to be fully implemented because citizens would never tolerate it otherwise.

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Amazon’s Facial Recognition Software Is ‘Flawed, Biased and Dangerous’

After identifying 28 members of Congress as police suspects, Amazon's facial recognition AI seems to work only about 80% of the time, and yet it is being sold en masse to governments and police agencies. Even if it worked 95% of the time, the 5% who are wrongly identified are at risk of having their lives destroyed for nothing.

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