July 2018

Spy vs. Spy – Silicon Valley Is Destination Of Choice For Espionage

Just as regular citizens have no expectation of privacy for personal information, Big Tech has no expectation of privacy for their technology secrets. Why? Because its entire culture is riddled with working spies from foreign actors that feel they have as much right to technology as the ones who invented it in the first place, even if they have to steal it.

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The Ridiculous Myth Of Powering The Nation With Renewable Energy

Technocrats should back up a few steps and look at the foolishness of their plans: To power America with 100% renewable enerty they propose 500,000 wind turbines, 18 billion square feet of solar panels, 75 million residential rooftop systems, 50,000 wind and solar farms. The projected cost is a minimum of $15.2 Trillion. However, we are already fully powered with enough oil, natural gas and coal resources to last another 200 years.

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Big Finance Is Behind The Cashless Society Con

Technocracy depends upon a digital society where every transaction can be tracked and analyzed. Cash prevents such tracking, and thus is being unilaterally removed. There has been no public request or particular need to destroy cash and so far, the public has not resisted the push.

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Cambridge: Scientists Create Artificial Embryos From Stem Cells

Research 'breakthroughs' are arriving at an increasing frequency as scientists peel back the genesis of life. Technocrat scientists have little concern with the legal or ethical implications of their research, and will push the envelope until it bursts apart. It is a Transhuman dream to re-engineer humanity altogether.

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