August 30, 2018

China’s New AI: Rumor Mongers Will Be Headed Straight To Prison

Spreading 'online rumors' that violate Beijing's official 'truth' can get you 7 years in jail, and everybody is turned into a rat to tattle on their friends. China asserts that "Rumors violate individual rights; rumors create social panic; rumors cause fluctuations in the stock markets; rumors impact normal business operations; rumors blatantly attack revolutionary martyrs."

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Autonomous Airships Set To Revolutionize Policing, Emergency Services

The Technocrat police state is advancing with the invention of a camera laden blimp to fly over cities looking for evil-doers and spying on the remainder. Since they fly at low altitudes, their high-resolution cameras will be able to see the blades of grass in your lawn. Equipped with AI and 5G, they will be able to fully integrate into Smart City censors to provide a real-time analysis of what is taking place on the ground.

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