September 20, 2018

Drones Unleashed: First Unmanned Air-To-Air Kill Signals New Era Of Warfare

The Military/Industrial Complex is full of Technocrats who believe science and technology has the answer to every problem. In many cases, the desire for anonymous killing is exacerbated by immersion into video games where avatars are blown to bits with no accountability or ethical concern for human life.

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Amazon Plans To Open 3,000 Cashierless, Cashless Stores By 2021

Amazon will dominate online as well as physical retail by 2025 but will force others to use its dystopian technology to compete. This system employs the most comprehensive level of surveillance imaginable, measuring eye-movement, emotions, movement within the store and everything you touch, allowing AI to build a psychological profile on every shopper.

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Black Mirror: China’s Dystopian ‘Social Credit System’ Is Switched On

Gamification of Trust aims to "allow the trustworthy to roam freely under heaven while making it hard for the discredited to take a single step". The system will be fully deployed to every square inch of China by 2020, just two years away. Worse, China is exporting its dystopian Technocracy to the rest of the world, including the United States.

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