September 28, 2018

US Intel Chief Warns That China Perfecting ‘Surveillance State’

The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) says exactly what TN has been saying for three years: "The result of this effort is nothing short of a future that involves the perfection of the surveillance state" and that it "threatens the export of these tools abroad to other authoritarian regimes." Beware of motive, however, because the DNI manages and funds all 17 Intel agencies in the U.S., including the NSA, CIA and DHS.

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Michael Bloomberg Appointed As UN Special Envoy To Lead Climate Finance Initiative

Bloomberg is a consummate Technocrat, dedicated to transforming the world's economic system into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. He was quietly appointed to the UN position to create a capital flow of $100 billion per year, to be invested into Public-Private Partnerships. As always, the smokescreen is climate change.

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U.S. Army Rushes To Field Robotic Truck Convoys By 2019

Technocrats and military are perfectly symbiotic: the Army wants a new engineering marvel and Technocrats are excited to deliver. In this case the Army is skipping normal acquisition procedures to rush implementation. What's the hurry? The global robotic arms race is far larger than anything seen in history.

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