September 2018

Apple Veteran: Silicon Valley’s ‘Fast Fail’ Approach Won’t Work In Health Care

Technocrats in Silicon Valley have turned their technology toward solving health care problems, but the culture of  'fast fail' to find success will not work in healthcare because people will die in the process. Technocrats may view this merely breaking a few eggs for a big omelet.

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Lab-Grown Mini-Brains Are Causing An Ethical Uproar

This is further development of President Obama's multibillion-dollar brain-map initiative started in 2013. Just as human DNA was 'mapped', the BRAIN project was to probe the human brain in action and figure out exactly how it works. Driving forces behind this included Transhumanists who seek immortality through science.

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IBM Used NYPD Surveillance Footage to Develop Technology That Lets Police Search by Skin Color

Technocrats depend upon external data to fuel their various experiments. Without data, their is no reason for their existence. Further, data is seen as a universal right somehow granting them special powers of acquisition: it you have it, they think they have a right to it.

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Advocacy Advertising: Another Slick Social Engineering Tool Of Technocracy

Technocracy is all about social engineering. Advocacy Advertising (AA) is a tool to generate sales by promoting a particular opinion, such as political, social, economic or scientific. Such ads seek to influence public opinion for the self-interest of the advertiser. Conceptually, AA is closely related to the Nudge theory of behavioral science which uses positive reinforcement and indirect suggestions to influence behavior. Both are tools of social engineering, and skillfully practiced by Technocrats in all professions.

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France’s Clean Nuclear Energy Leapfrogs Germany’s Solar And Wind

In the battle for 'clean' energy, France has whipped Germany by a margin of 3 to 1 with its use of reliable nuclear power. However, most environmental zealots hate nuclear energy as much as fossil fuels, so their collective global lobby has blocked development of new nuclear power plants. If it is allowed to continue, this foolishness will set humanity back 100 years.

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Shock Tech: AI To Resurrect The Dead With Human Replicas?

Technocrat engineers are obsessed with Transhumanism and conquering immortality, but this 'breakthrough' is little more than a technology parlor trick to imitate life after death. Before technology, we had puppets with strings, and this is no different except that it is much more realistic.

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Paris Climate Agreement Is Finally Unraveling Everywhere

While the rhetoric continues, actions are speaking louder than words: coal and fossil fuel production and usage is still rising as nations refuse to do things that will harm their own economies. Technocrats at the UN and elsewhere can only scream louder and longer that mankind is doomed if global warming isn't curtailed.

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Rich Technocrats Planning Doomsday Escape To New Zealand Bunkers

The super-rich like Peter Theil and Sam Altman, have packed their bug-out bags and are ready to flee to their underground hideaways in New Zealand on a moment's notice. They expect and fear Armageddon and are taking every precaution to save their own skins, even though they are all complicit in the future we don't want.

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