October 1, 2018

Resistance To Mass Surveillance Must Begin At The Local Level

By its actions and rhetoric, the Federal government has already declared itself to be a champion of ubiquitous surveillance, while the rights of states and cities are trampled. This leaves the only possible resistance at the local level, where cities and counties literally throw out the surveillance mentality. With enough local resistance, Federal initiatives can be thwarted.

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Snap: India’s Nationwide Biometric ID Database Ruled Constitutional

Between China and India, both deeply embedded in Technocracy, 2.7 billion people of the world are hopelessly trapped in a scientific dictatorship. This represents 36.3% of the entire planet. For the most part, America is still asleep as the Trump Administration opens the gates wide for this draconian technology to capture us as well. It's time to say NO, America.

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Big Tech Tells Government To Step Aside On 5G Rollout

The Administration is rife with Technocrat thinking on 5G. The Director of the National Economic Council blames states and cities for getting in the way of 5G rollout and must be stopped. He says the FCC ruling is not meant to trample on the sovereignty of cities and states, but it does. This is deemed necessary because in order to beat China, we must be more like China.

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