October 3, 2018

Dr. Tim Ball On Climate: Lies Wrapped In Deception Smothered With Delusion

Technocrats have darkened hearts just like everyone else, but they soon discovered how to use the mantra of 'science' to trick and deceive. In similar fashion of the 1970s Chiffon Margarine ad, "It's not nice to fool mother nature", Technocrats follow with "97% of scientists agree...".

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That Sign Telling You How Fast You’re Driving May Be Spying

Technocrat engineers just won't let surveillance drop, no matter how much resistance is applied. Sneaking in license plate readers to speed signs is deceptive and unconstitutional. While the claim is always made that "we won't use the data for other purposes", everyone knows that is impossible; once data exists anywhere, Technocrat data scientists harvest it without reservation.

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