October 2018

China’s Social Credit: Pick Up Poo Or We Take Your Dog

This new dog management system is a modification of the nationwide social credit system already in place. Cameras everywhere will report you if you don't immediately pick up your dog's poo, at the risk of having your dog confiscated. Technocrats are obsessive/compulsive about micromanaging anything and everything.

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DHS: Push Notifications to Your Phone From Police, Emergency Crews

The Department of Homeland Security seeks to establish a communication connection between emergency and civilian vehicles. Since when is DHS concerned about transportation safety issues? There are Technocrat minds working overtime on this to increase the national surveillance grid.

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China Seeks Global Control Over Internet Of Things For Spying, Business

As a Technocracy, China is only doing what is natural to them: dominating the world of data collection, surveillance and control. The Western world has completely missed China's nefarious intentions as it has embedded Chinese technology as all levels of society.

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Central Bank Of Sweden Makes U-Turn On Cashless Society

For years, Riksbank led the charge for cashless society in Europe, which was part of the Utopian dream of total control. Now, it has done a complete u-turn, saying that cash must be re-instituted throughout the nation. This is the first evidence that some sectors in Europe are pushing back against Technocracy.

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