November 2018

Mini-“Robot Supermarkets” Assemble Customer Orders On Demand

The entire trillion dollar grocery industry is transforming before your eyes as Amazon sparks a robot war with other grocery store enterprises. Stores will be largely free of cashiers, pickers and stockers, putting millions of people out of work. Technocrats invent because they can not because there is a good reason to do so.

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NIH Greatly Expands Investment in BRAIN Initiative

Obama likened his BRAIN initiative to mapping the human genome. With DNA hacking taking place throughout the world's science labs, will mind hacking be next? Once the human mind and body can be controlled, will Technocrat scientists not rise up to do so?

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TSA’s New Tech Can Screen Multiple Passengers From 25 Feet Away

This new scanning tech can scan crowds at a time and will become ubiquitous everywhere security is deemed necessary. Coupled with facial recognition software, it would give the government total human domination and control. Technocrats see no ethical or Constitutional problem with this.

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Google’s Sidewalk Labs: Smart Cities For Dumb Humans

Ann Cavoukian blasted Google when she resigned: “I imagined us creating a Smart City of Privacy, as opposed to a Smart City of Surveillance. Your personal information, your privacy is critical. It is not just a fundamental human right. It forms the foundation of our freedom.”

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Freedom House: Chinese-Style ‘Digital Authoritarianism’ Grows Globally

TN knows that China is exporting its dystopian surveillance technology. This report comes from Freedom House, run by Michael Chertoff who co-authored the Patriot Act in the U.S. Paula Dobriansky, a member of the Trilateral Commission, sits on the board of Freedom House.

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