December 2018

Chinese Scientists Searching For The Human Soul Via State-Of-The-Art Brain Scanner

Technocrat scientists believe that humans are just like any other animal which are products of random evolution. Therefore, they fully expect to be able to use science to find the human soul. As atheists, they do not believe man was created by God with body, soul and spirit. 

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Dr. Tim Ball: Why Canada Must Get Out Of The Paris Climate Agreement

The world can thank the late Canadian, Maurice Strong, for leading the first Earth Summit that produced Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and alarmist calls on global warming and population reduction. Another Canadian, Dr. Timothy Ball, is leading the CLEXIT movement to get Canada out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Weaponizing Child Protective Services To Enforce Adherence to Public Education

Public schools teach government propaganda, conditioning students to be good global citizens without questioning the rhetoric. When home schooling fails to teach the same propaganda, the state moves to force them back into public schools. Such persecution of home school parents is seen in virtually every nation on earth.

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Chinese Authorities ‘Routinely Target Churches, Destroy Crosses, Burn Bibles And Arrest Pastors’

Technocracy and Christianity are polar opposites. Technocracy insists on conformity to scientific dictates while Christians follow Romans 12:2, to "be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." As the severity of persecution increases in China, house churches are springing up everywhere, further aggravating Technocrats.

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Will The Public Eat Gene-Edited Farm Animals?

The CRISPR gene editing tool lets Technocrat scientists experiment with life itself and there is virtually no oversight or regulations to control them. If left unchecked they will destroy the genetic makeup of animals, humans and the entire food chain.

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Climate Alarmism Is In Retreat Across The World

Climate change has been the UN's sole driving mantra to push its only solution, Sustainable Development. If Global Warming is indeed discredited in the people's eyes, the global Technocrats will find another reason to implement Sustainable Development.

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