December 2018

U.S. Army To Launch Robot Trucks In 2019

Robot trucks carrying drone swarms, robot soldiers, autonomous artillery, autonomous missiles; what could go wrong with this? Military Technocrats who insist that technology is the answer to all problems are turning the world into a technological kill zone.

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Tariffs Knock Solar Energy Installations By 50%

It is obvious that the U.S. alternative energy industry is moving forward on two wooden legs: 1) cheap imports from China and 2) tax subsidies. In this case, solar energy installations where immediately whacked by 50% when tariffs were raised.

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FBI Seeks ‘Rapid DNA’ Database To Check Perps

The barriers to ubiquitous DNA scanning and identification are being rapidly broken down as law enforcement adopts new devices being sold without regulations attached. Who will have access to the results and what will they do with them?

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