Big Fight Brewing As Lawmakers Consider National Privacy Law

Some lawmakers are getting wise to Big Tech's demands for self-regulation of privacy issues, and are putting citizens first. Since Technocrats compulsively hoard data, they will fight against any restrictions on data collection. This will be a real test for Technocracy vs. Constitutional Republic.

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TSA Facial Recognition System Gets Only 85% Match Rate

"Your papers, please." Thus far, TSA is failing miserably on implementing biometric identification systems at U.S. airports. While there is no doubt that some bad actors will be caught with a perfect system, it is a gross violation of the Constitution to collect data on every citizen or traveller.

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Dr. Tim Ball On Climate: Lies Wrapped In Deception Smothered With Delusion

Technocrats have darkened hearts just like everyone else, but they soon discovered how to use the mantra of 'science' to trick and deceive. In similar fashion of the 1970s Chiffon Margarine ad, "It's not nice to fool mother nature", Technocrats follow with "97% of scientists agree...".

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That Sign Telling You How Fast You’re Driving May Be Spying

Technocrat engineers just won't let surveillance drop, no matter how much resistance is applied. Sneaking in license plate readers to speed signs is deceptive and unconstitutional. While the claim is always made that "we won't use the data for other purposes", everyone knows that is impossible; once data exists anywhere, Technocrat data scientists harvest it without reservation.

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New Zealand First Nation To Impose Digital Strip-Search For Travelers

Technocrats are running amok in New Zealand. Your smartphones and laptops are now deemed searchable by law and refusal to hand over passwords on demand will cost you $5,000 and seizure of your devices for forensic analysis. A demand can be made for no particular reason or suspicion. Welcome to the Fourth Reich. 

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Algorithms: What’s A Few Mistakes Vs. 90% Accuracy?

Because man is imperfect, it follows that anything man creates is imperfect as well, including the computer programs that are intended to run everything in our lives. Furthermore, the law of Entropy suggests that anything man creates will be more imperfect than the creator. Trusting our lives and fortunes to secret algorithms is foolish and dangerous.

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