From Democracy To Technocracy To Stone Age

Technocracy is increasingly recognized as a major force in the current of human affairs, but also as an unmitigated train wreck. The dream of Utopia is just that - a dream. Technocrats think 'this time its different' because they have new technology and philosophy, but they are deluded.

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Growing Numbers Are Falling In Love With A Computer-Generated Simulation

Game addiction expanding its reach when player fall in love with an AI driven chat-bot. Young minds cannot yet clearly distinguish between reality and fantasy, and thus are easy marks to be led into this strange non-reality. Technocrats who build these games are driven by a lust for social engineering.

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Tim Ball: The Technocrat Mind Can Never Quantify Human Behavior

Understanding the Technocrat mind is essential to understanding the modern world. All scientists and engineers, perhaps even the majority of them, are certainly not Technocrats but all Technocrats hold the mistaken belief that all human problems can be solved through applied science.

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Corrupt Scientists Driven To Resign, but Not Climate Scientists?

Top researchers and scientists are being forced to resign over egregious ethical violations and conflicts of interest, but it appears that climate scientists are still getting a free pass. Climate science has been rife with purposely falsified data and the same kind of ethical breaches as found in this story.

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Emergency Room Visits From E-Scooter Accidents Soar 160 Percent

Electric bicycle and scooter rentals are the latest craze to give urban dwellers 'alternative transportation'  to eliminate carbon. Scooters in particular have cause a pandemic of injured riders. Residents in San Francisco detest these sidewalk intruders, and are moving to have them banned.

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Tariffs That Limit Equipment Imports From China Are ‘Wildly Detrimental’ To 5G Rollout

Newly imposed tariffs are forcing an important issue into the spotlight: America is dependent upon China to provide the bulk of switches, routers and circuit boards to rollout 5G. What's the problem? A leading supplier of 5G tech, Huawei, is closely tied to the Chinese government.

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The Battle Between States And Cities To Control 5G

Thanks to carrier lobbying, twenty states have already passed legislation to strip their cities of the power to regulate 5G rollouts. Cities are fighting  back with lawsuits to restore local control and ability to set fees and address health concerns. A Technocrat state Senator in Texas says, “We should keep government out of the way of technology and let technology get us all there.”

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