How The Radicals Of ’68 Became The Technocrats Of ’18

"The university has remained a training ground for the technocratic elite. Only, it now produces more Sarah Jeongs than it does Robert McNamaras—more tech-savvy identitarians than weapons-hurling establishmentarians. The substance has shifted; the forms and instrumental functions have not."

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Black Market: Killer Robots To Offer ‘Untraceable Murders”

Technocrat inventions intended to solve various problems for mankind can also be easily adapted by criminal minds to be used for nefarious purposes. All of the components necessary for clandestine killer robots already exist and are readily available in the marketplace.

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Everybody Rides: Bicycles Key To Safer, Healthier, More Vital Cities

Sustainable Cities will do whatever it takes to get you out of your automobile and onto public transportation. If you want a personal transportation device, you will get a free pass to acquire a bicycle to get some exercise and lose some weight at the same time. Technocrats always seem to know what's best for you.

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Cities Urged To Reject Federal Government, Go It Alone

The future of globalization and Sustainable Deveopment is seen in cities, not nation-states. The rise of autonomous cities is seen throughout the world, and global interests are whispering in the ears of U.S. mayors to effectively secede from the Federal government.

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World Economic Forum: Robots To Exceed Human-Based Tasks By 2025

Technocrats invent and build because they can, but seldom with any view toward the wisdom of doing so. With the onset of a new displaced class of citizens dubbed the "unemployables", Technocrats can only suggest Universal Basic Income as a solution. They don't understand that humans need and want to work.

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AT&T Is Rolling Out 5G To Five Additional American Cities

At last count, the major telecom carriers are working on 5G rollout in about 50 cities throughout America, including some second tier cities like Waco, Texas and Sacramento, California. The big surge of mass installation should be fully underway by mid-2019. This is not about cell phones, but rather factories, autonomous vehicles, ubiquitous collection of data from sensors, surveillance and Smart City technology.

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Silicon Valley’s Futile Search For Utopia Via The ‘Perfect Algorithm’

Human programmers produce human algorithms after their own kind, with prejudices and belief structures stemming from their creators. If the 'creator' is searching for Utopia, the programs will ultimately reflect that. Technocrats suffer from the terminal intellectual disease of groupthink.

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AT&T And LA Explore Massive Public-Private Partnership To Impose Smart City Tech

Activists in Los Angeles should be hounding its city council day and night to stop these devilish negotiations to create the "smartest city" in America that would follow the China model of Technocracy. Public-Private Partnerships are a spawn of the United Nations and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Senior Google Scientist Resigns In Protest Over China Censorship Project

A senior scientist at Google, Jack Poulson, did the right thing for the right reasons when he resigned in protest over Google's new project to build a censored search engine for China. Helping China to further oppress its citizens is a "forfeiture of our values", he stated, "“I am forced to resign in order to avoid contributing to, or profiting from, the erosion of protection for dissidents.”

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