Structural Reform: Japan’s Radical Energy Technocrats Drive Smart Cities

Energy is always at the heart Technocracy. In Japan, Technocrats are restructuring the energy industry in order to transform traditional cities into Smart Cities. The result will be control over every facet of living, ie., Scientific Dictatorship. Apparently, the Japanese citizenry has no idea what is happening right under their nose.

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Are Amazon’s Technocrats Taking Over The DC Swamp?

Jeff Bezos, the consummate Technocrat and head of Amazon, is gobbling up the swamp while President Trump seems to welcome the intrusion. Yesterday, as Trump signed the gargantuan $717 billion defense bill, compare Bezos' $10 billion contract to the $7.6 billion line item that pays for 77 of Lockheed Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighters!

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Primetime? A Quick History And Future Of Autonomous Vehicles

This is a good view of the history and current state of development of autonomous vehicles. Current technology is still inadequate for wide-spread use but the implementation of ultra high-speed 5G communications will change all that. 5G promises instant communication between car and remote AI computers that can control everything in real time.

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Quayside, Toronto: The Fight Against Google’s Smart City Experiment

Google chose Toronto as a model test site for their vision of a 'Smart City." However, Canadian activist Bianca Wylie has Google's number: "We need to change our laws to reject surveillance capitalism as a social norm.” People are rallying to Wylie's reasoning, and they are forcing exposure, transparency and accountability, which is something Google was trying to avoid altogether.

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Harvard: Reining in Technocracy to Increase Democratic Legitimacy

Caution on Technocracy sometimes comes from the oddest places. In this instance, from the Chair of the Systemic Risk Council and a Senior Fellow at Harvard University. He concludes, "Even if, as I believe, technocrats need to retreat somewhat, the larger recommendation is that elected legislators need to step up."

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Blueprint: The Technocratic Police State Of Dubai

Because Dubai is an autocratic dictatorship, it is possible to implement Technocracy without any consultation with or consideration of the residents. Thus, the highest-tech equipment available is being rapidly implemented to create a tight-knit police state. Almost all of the technology is of western origin and will certainly make its way back to America.

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Patrick Wood Speaks Technocracy On KrisAnne Hall Radio Show

This informative interview released just today will help you to understand the current wave of censorship sweeping social media like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.  It is not adequate to blame leftists, progressives, Marxists, Communists, Fascists, etc. These companies are led by Technocrats who have a very narrow view of Utopia, and are intent on forcing it upon the world.

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Jury Busts Unrepentant Monsanto Over Cancer-Causing Roundup Weed-Killer

In a major legal victory for attorney Robert F. Kennedy, a jury found that Monsanto acted with 'malice and oppression' and 'reckless disregard for human life.' Monsanto's herbicide, Roundup, has literally polluted the entire planet in order for them to market their GMO seeds that are Roundup Resistant. In defiance, Monsanto continued to hide behind its 'scientific studies' that claim Roundup (glyphosate) does not cause cancer. Technocrats have no problem ignoring any evidence contrary to their preconceived vision of reality.

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