Sen. Diane Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy As Personal Driver For 20 Years

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was a long-time member of the Trilateral Commission and a consummate insider and globalist. Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Commission with David Rockefeller, was responsible for bringing China back to the world stage in 1976, and then rebuilding it into the Technocracy that it is today. Her husband has become fabulously wealthy because of these connections. Could Feinstein be ignorant of this? Not a chance. Because this backstory is not widely known, radio commentators like Mark Levin totally miss the seriousness of the situation.

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North Korean Scientists Racing To Clone Super-Soldiers And Jim Jong Un

Transhumanist Ray Kurzweil of Google and North Korean tyrant Kim Jong Un have two things in common: they both want to conquer immortality and bring their fathers back to life. Moreover, North Korea has been experimenting with human cloning for at least 10 years already. With zero ethical restraints, these Technocrat scientists are free to do anything their minds can conceive.

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Oblivion? DARPA Is Developing Drones To Hunt Humans

DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency which is run by Technocrats who build because they can, not because there is a sane motive for doing to. DARPA is hard-core military, with a mission of developing advanced weapons of war to kill people. Period. Ironically, DARPA was originally created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1958.

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Ontario, Canada Abruptly Cancels Universal Basic Income Experiment

Technocrats continue to champion Universal Basic Income even though many 'experiments' have been abruptly terminated as abject failures. If UBI cannot succeed in socialist Canada, it cannot succeed anywhere else, either. Mark Zuckerberg stated at the 2017 Harvard commencement address, ""We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas."

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NSA Director Warns: America’s Enemies Are Weaponizing Data Against Us

When Technocrat military cyber-wonks are in charge of intelligence, who would not expect them to weaponize data and technology? The head of the NSA and Cyber Command is posturing for additional funds and support by claiming that our enemies possess 'weapons of mass cyber-destruction.' President Eisenhower sternly warned us about the military-industrial complex, but nobody paid attention.

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