Epic Renewable Energy Fail As Solar Crashes And Wind Refuses To Blow

Technocrat solutions to solve a fake energy crisis are designed to fail from the moment they are created: when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn't shine, alternative energy produces zero output. S0-called 'renewables' cannot possibly supply society with the power it needs on a consistent basis.

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4th Quarter 2018: Verizon Rolling Out 5G to Sacramento, Los Angeles

5G is the holy grail of Technocracy because a) it will completely light up the Internet of Everything and b) it will permit instant collection of virtually all data on earth. Verizon intends to dominate in the U.S., and is rolling out city-wide systems in Los Angeles and Sacramento by 4th quarter 2018. Public consumption will lag until consumer devices are available to take advantage of the higher speed. This is truly disruptive technology and will obsolete cable providers. For instance, my 100MBS Cox service sports a 20-25 ms latency; 5G will deliver 1000MBS with 1 ms latency.

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Like Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward From 2050 In Spain

Technocracy in Europe is assured, as is clearly understood by many observers. This dehumanized future scenario in Spain is depicted by a professor of EU Constitutional Law in Santiago. Lured into delusion, "Information overload and a myriad of data-sets have made people incapable of discerning for themselves absent official guidance true from false, right from wrong, while the real and reality faded from the public mind decades ago."

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UN Propaganda Brainwashes Women To Not Have Babies

The UN's Sustainable Development propaganda parrots overpopulation is a major cause of environmental decay and is based on demonstrably false science. Women are seduced into this lie and then convinced that their most noble act is to give up their right to have children.

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Civil Liberties Groups Press Trump Admin On NSA Call Record Collection

]The Trump administration is being further tested to see how friendly it is to Technocrats, or not. There have been many questionable things take place since Trump took office, especially in the intelligence community. For instance, the NSA and DHS are both far from reined in over their Constitutional violations.

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Chinese Spies Engaged In Massive Theft of U.S. Technology

Since China morphed into a full-fledged Technocracy by 1998, it adopted the typical Technocrat mindset that any technology is their technology and should be free for the taking. Thus, China does not see this as a crime, but rather an opportunity. Unfortunately, Technocrats in America didn't see it as a crime either, and let them get away with stripping us naked.

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Facebook, Amazon, Google And Twitter All Work With Left-Wing SPLC

Big Tech, steeped in Technocracy, finds a working relationship with the ultra-left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) based on the principle, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Big Tech's core value system is based on Scientism, a utopian religion that views itself as the sole custodian of truth; thus, all other values must be eradicated.

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Your Phone Really Is Listening To You And It’s Not Paranoia

This article is telling because your phone is definitely spying you on, even if you turn your virtual assistant OFF. This is because other apps can activate listening and catch trigger words that are then fed back to a marketing database to be fed back to you within hours. Technocrats have no reservation about collecting any type of data that exists anywhere.

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DHS Plans To Compile A List Of All Bloggers, Journalists And “Social Media Influencers”

The Technocrat noose of censorship is tightening ever faster. Creating profiles on all media coverage including “online, print, broadcast, cable, radio, trade and industry publications, local sources, national/international outlets, traditional news sources, and social media”, is as blatant as it is draconian. It will provide the Executive Branch with the ultimate surveillance and propaganda tool to silence dissidents and promote its own rhetoric.'

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