How Facebook And Google Provide Massive Funding To Journalism Around The World

Google and Facebook have committed over $500 million to various journalism programs around the world. There will be no discussion about what fake news is, but only that it disagrees with Technocracy and societal engineering. This gives these two companies almost total control in controlling public opinion and behavior.

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Facebook Partners with Globalist Atlantic Council To Interfere In Elections Around The World

The Atlantic Council has been a Trilateral Commission dominated think-tank since 1973. Its current board of directors is still riddled with members of the Commission, including Brent Scowcroft (Chairman Emeritus), Henry Kissinger, Paula Dobriansky and Joseph Nye. Facebooks alignment with the Council is right in line with the Trilateral Commission's goal of implementing Technocracy throughout the world.

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Siemens: Los Angeles Must Transform Energy, Transit Systems To Hit Sustainability Goals

Siemens is a main driver and global leader in Smart City technology. So, Siemens tells Los Angeles what its problems are (energy, transit) and then proceeds to sell solutions that will 'fix' the problems, 'helping' the city meet its United Nations-imposed Sustainable Development goals.

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Study: Authoritarian Countries Like China Are Fudging Their GDP Reports

TN has long-held that as a Technocracy, China was faking economic data about its fully-engineered society. This is a natural result of insisting that your predicted outcomes must be correct, so data to the contrary is simply ignored. In short, the Technocrat mind cannot be wrong, so always make it look 'right'.

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