United Nations Is Quietly Pushing International Gun Control

The United Nations knows better than to rile Americans over gun control, but that has not stopped them from quietly discussing how to do an end-run around the U.S. Constitution with crippling rules and regulations. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, has no room for resistance of self-defense.

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Study: China Really Did Take Millions Of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs

As documented in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, China was transformed into a Technocracy at the hands of the Trilateral Commission elite starting in the 1970s. In short, American was purposely plundered. The next wave of destruction will come from robots displacing jobs.

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Elderly To Be Cared For By Robots To Solve Staff Shortage

Technocrats believe they can use science and technology to solve any and every problem facing mankind, including caring for the elderly. After all, hiring robots is much cheaper than human staff, and robots don't complain about working conditions. Families are more easily able to shirk their own responsibility for elderly parents. Is this the future we want?

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Boston Dynamics Creates “Terrifying” Robot That Can Run, Jump And Climb

The results of Boston Dynamics inventions are fed back to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to be used in creating super-soldiers that can dominate the battlefield. What could go wrong with that? It will also result in the complete domination of civilian populations as well. Both Boston Dynamics and DARPA are filled with Technocrats who invent because they can, not because there is an ethical reason for doing so.

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We’re All Trespassers Now In The Face Of Government Land Grabs

TN has long claimed that the real end-game of Technocracy is the global elite capturing the major resources of the planet, all of which is represented by land: mining, forestry, agriculture, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is 100% anti-property rights and would have all people owning nothing.

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