UN Claim: Energy Is A Basic Human Right

Freedom is a basic human right, while energy is not. Energy is a commercially-produced product that is available for a fee, in order to extend your personal horsepower beyond your own efforts. Everyone should be free to purchase energy if they have the need to do so, but nobody has the right to demand free energy just because they are human.

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Scientists Say AI Can Predict Your Personality By Studying Your Eyes

This is reminiscent of phrenology in the 1800s where 'scientists' would look for bumps and dents in the cranium in order to predict personality or other mental traits. It was later disproven as a pseudo-scientific hoax, and largely abandoned. Reading eye movements will prove useless as well.

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Sheikh Zayed: Islam’s Deep Roots In Sustainable Development

Sheikh Zayed, father of the UAE, was an early adopter of environmental practices, indicating the compatibility between sustainable development and the Koran. This affinity may be one reason why Adolf Hitler (a radical 'green') had a such a robust relationship with the Islamic world during WWII. In other words, their mutual hatred of Jews may have a reason, but not the only reason for their mutual attraction.

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California Looking To Be First State To Mandate Solar Panels On New Homes

Radical environmentalists are asserting themselves again in California as they seek to mandate solar panels for all new homes, which could cost up to $30,000 more per unit. The Technocrat mindset is that there is a scientific solution to every conceivable problem, but personal freedom of choice does not enter their mind.

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With Smart Cities, Your Every Step Will Be Recorded

Sensor networks are being installed across America and will ultimately be ubiquitously connected together in real-time by the emerging 5G wireless communication technology. Note that all of this is created by scientists and engineers. Promising benefits to citizens is akin to the United Nations boasting that they are going to eliminate poverty worldwide.

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NSA Triples Collection Of U.S. Phone Records To 534 Million

The U.S. Intelligence network has gone rogue against Americans, disregarding Congress and courts, to massively increase warrantless surveillance on civilians. The NSA is behaving as if it is unaccountable to anyone except its technocrat managers. Technocrats are compulsive and addictive data hoarders.

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Baby Alfie Evans Was A Victim Of The Technocracy

In due time, Technocracy in healthcare will touch everyone personally. The case of baby Alfie is a sign of things to come as Technocrats make sterile, 'science-based' decisions about who lives and dies, and what treatments you are allowed to receive.

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