The Security Risks Of Using 5G To Drive Smart Cities And IoT

Cellular carriers are racing at breakneck speed to implement 5G because it will unlock trillions of dollars in new data while driving smart cities and enabling the Internet of Things. Security is an afterthought, but experts note that the potential for breaches will expand exponentially. The failure of massive IoT systems could throw society into chaos.

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European Investment Bank Launches New Bond To Support Sustainable Development

This official UN press release admits that it is expecting to need $74 trillion between 2018 and 2030 to fully implement the Sustainable Development Goals, which will also kill Capitalism and Free Enterprise once and for all. The SDGs will literally suck all of the oxygen out of the room.

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DNA ‘Writers” Set Goal: Recoding Human Cells To Resist Viruses

When a convention of 200 Technocrat-minded DNA scientists get together to discuss the human genome, one might expect a project like this to emerge. That is, let's start from scratch and re-write the whole genome. They have no sense that humanity is not their playground to experiment with creating life.

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Smart Dubai Launches Global Network To Connect Smart Cities

The Smart City concept has never been about just a single city, but rather a global network of smart cities that interoperate with each other. Ultimately, this will require massive AI programs to model the entire planet for the sake of command and control. This is the nature of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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To Radical Environmentalists, Rich Humans Are Always The Problem

As CO2 loses its punch, radical environmentalists are turning to plastics and water, but the "enemy" always remains the same: rich nations, Capitalism and Free Enterprise. The solution always remains the same as well: Sustainable Development. The United Nations fronts these groups to destroy capitalism and replace it with Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Flashback 2007: Global Banks Adopting Islam

Either global bankers are seducing Islamic dictators, or vice versa. Even if they are seducing each other at the same time, the result will be the same: Islamic/Shari'a banking is coming to the United States and other western nations

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Forbes: Smart Grid Dreams Fading Without Congressional Support

Of course, Technocrat smart grid vendors would love more free money from taxpayers to complete the ensnarement of all energy consumers into a massive data collection grid. However, don't let rhetoric hide the fact that Smart Grid will be completed with or without more Federal funding because it is a key requirement of Technocracy to do so.

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Trilateral Commission: The Secret Circle That Controls Governments

This is a flashback article reposted by its author, Jon Rappoport. As documented in Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, the Trilateral Commission and its members were the main drivers to implement Technocracy on a global scale. Technocracy is a replacement economic system for capitalism and free enterprise, and the assigned agent of change is the United Nations with Sustainable Development.

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