Forget Facebook: China Now Mines Data Directly From Workers’ Brain

Orwell was a Neanderthal at surveillance compared to what Technocrats in China are currently implementing: brain-wave sensors that continuously monitor your emotions and state-of-mind. While offered as a 'worker safety' technique, there is no comfort to be taken from this draconian application to control human behavior.

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Exposed: Harvard’s Kennedy School Charged With Producing Technocrats

Harvard Kennedy School for Public Policy is legendary in the world of academics. The problem is that it pumps out Technocrats, according to one student.  He states that the curriculum is "designed to produce elite technocrats. If you are interested in effecting meaningful change in pursuit of a better society, the Kennedy School is not for you."

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U.S. Police To Be Equipped With Facial Recognition Body Cameras

Technocrats at Axon are pushing to be the global leader in body cams for police that support instant facial recognition, and they have the data to back it up: over 20 petabytes. Where will photos come from to put into the database? Facebook, Google, Drivers License agencies, Passports, etc. Some call it the absolute end of privacy.

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Why China Assigns Every Citizen A ‘Social Credit Score’

China is a fully-engineered Technocracy that is now assigning a social credit score to all 1.4 billion citizens in order to force compliance. Millions of real-time cameras and other censors continuously monitor behavior and thoughts; if they are able to automatically ding you for such small things as smoking in non-smoking areas, then complete oppression is a heart-beat away. This technology is already coming back to America, and Americans should be in full-alarm panic mode to stop it before it takes root here. Chinese citizens are trapped like animals in a cage, and have no possibility of resistance or escape.

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How The Globalism Con Game Leads To A ‘New World Order’

This article touches on some important points, but has no awareness of Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, as the real driver behind globalization. The New World Order is aptly described by Dr. Parag Khanna (a Technocrat) in Connectography: ”We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer some-thing that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.”  The outcome of globalization is Scientific Dictatorship and Technocracy.

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Scientists: Climate Change Is ‘Not As Bad As We Thought’

When Technocrat scientists refer to a 'computer model' of weather, it means just that. It is not the weather, but only some scientist's idea of what the weather is or should be. Thus, there could be an infinite number of models depending on who is programming them, which assumptions are used and whose data is provided.

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DARPA Inspired: First Drone Warship Joins US Navy To Hunt Submarines

It is already publicly acknowledged that in the future, Sea Hunter will be equipped with missiles, torpedoes or other armaments to build  "a human-machine collaborative battle fleet." WWIII will be fought with autonomous drones. We can thank the Technocrats at DARPA for this 'mad science'.

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