Suicide Machine Draws Crowds At Amsterdam Funeral Show

With a twisted sense of value on human life, suicide machines will now be available as 'open source' plans for anyone in the world to download and create. Propaganda will convince many weakened minds that it is in the best interest of the planet if they were to check out early. This is reminiscent of the movie Soylent Green, where people voluntarily checked into euthanasia centers to be killed.

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Scientists: ‘Planet-Hacking’ Plan For Atmosphere Could Keep Earth Habitable For Longer

Speculative chemtrail theories have abounded for years because people are either too lazy or too ill-equipped to do the proper research into the real roots of atmospheric tampering, namely, scientific geo-engineering. The real story behind geo-engineering is much more disturbing than any conspiracy theory. Technocrat scientists are bent on hacking the atmosphere to 'save' the planet. There are many geo-engineering scientists to oppose this crackpot scheme.

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Humans Will Be Genetically Modified For First Time In Europe

As predicted two years ago, Technocrat scientists are stepping over the line to edit human DNA and potentially change the germline of inherited genes. There are massive gaps in knowledge of the workings of DNA, but these scientists do not believe that they can make mistakes or cause unintended consequences.

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More Restaurants Go Cashless, Accept Only Cards

In July 2017, Visa announced it would pay restaurant owners $10,000 to go cashless, and that it had other such campaigns as well. Now many more restaurants are making the switch from cash to plastic. The global movement to strip cash out of society is driven by Technocrats who know that Technocracy cannot thrive without data from every purchase.

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Neuroscientist: New Camera AI Will Read Thoughts And Feelings

Technocrats who are concerned with managing the 'herd' will want to keep track of the health of all. Cameras set up in public spaces will enable collection of your most private and personal data, without giving you any opportunity to opt out. In fact, you won't even know that you have been scanned.

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Trilateral Commission Stalwart: Charlie Rose Shamed, Broken, Lonely

Exactly when Rose was dropped from Trilateral Commission membership is uncertain, but his long TV career was shattered when several women accused him of sexual misconduct. The allegations had enough substance that Rose was fired from PBS and Bloomberg Television immediately suspended the program. Rose interviewed dozens of other Trilateral members over the years and was considered one of the trusted media insiders at the Commission. At 76, he will likely never see the red light on the TV camera again.

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