Scientists: World Cities Should Prepare For Running Out Of Water

Another catastrophic prediction by Technocrat scientists who have no concrete evidence whatever to make their case, and yet the answer is that governments and the UN must tightly control and allocate the remaining water. If it isn't a global pandemic, global warming or global water crisis, it would be something similar.

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Science’s Never-Ending Parade Of Impending Catastrophes

It is said that when a preacher doesn't have a point to make, he must yell louder. Such is the plight of half-baked science that has no point - they must yell louder to make people think they DO have a point. It's aways the same playbook, and it is always some impending catastrophe that only they can save us from.

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The Curious Relationship Between Climate Change, Immigration And Abortion

Since abortion was legalized in 1973 by the Roe v. Wade decision, America has terminated over 60 million babies. If these had been allowed to grow and become productive citizens, the baby-boomer generation would not be fretting over the possible bankruptcy of the Social Security trust fund, nor would America be $21 trillion in debt. Yet, instead of a raising a political remedy for a clearly documented man-made demographic genocide, politicians (and citizens) are instead freaked out over man-made global warming based on faulty data and bad science.

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DARPA Working Toward Swarms Of 250 Drones

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a hotbed of technocrats bent on developing technology for warfare; it continues to push its swarming drone initiative using AI and innovative sensor technology.

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Digital License Plates To Connect Cars Directly To Police In Dubai

Dubai is also a fledgling Technocracy dedicated to total automation and Sustainable Development. Two big points to notice here is a) your traffic fines will be automatically deducted from your bank account and b) 'there are privacy concerns as the plates could possibly be used by the authorities to track drivers.' 

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UN Secretary General Praises Xi Jinping’s Commitment To The 2030 Agenda

This is one of the shortest press releases ever seen from the UN, but Secretary-General Guterres has nothing but praise for Xi Jinping for his part in pushing Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda. This is not surprising in that both of them are Technocrats and China is the leading example of Technocracy in the world.

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Chinese Facial Recognition Company Becomes World’s Most Valuable AI Start-Up

Read this article very carefully to see that SenseTime is working closely with a) prestigious MIT and b) U.S.-based Qualcomm. Alibaba, China's equivalent to Amazon, already poured $600 million into SenseTime, and at least 40 local governments China have already implemented its software for 1984-style surveillance.

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