UN’s New Urban Agenda In Latin America Calls For Paradigm Shift

The main outcome of Habitat III held in October 2016, was  "the adoption of the final New Urban Agenda (NUA) document as the new mandate for the development of cities and human settlements during the next 20 years." The U.N. is now meddling with Latin America to impose its Technocratic tyranny on unsuspecting city-dwellers.

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Wowsa! Smart Cities Market Worth $2.57 Trillion By 2025

Smart City investment and infrastructure is instrumental in forming a full-blown Technocracy, enabling micro-management of people, systems and societal directions. There is a global frenzy for the money being spent, but most of it will go to giant multinational corporations like GE, Siemens, Nvidia, Cisco, etc. This is not the future that people have chosen, but they will trapped in it nonetheless

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In China, ‘Social Credit’ System Forces Citizens Into Submission To The State

When your personal data turns bad, whether real or imagined, China will basically ex-communicate you from the good life, and they have already done this to tens of millions of detractors. This is as effective as Tiananmen Square slaughter, but was implemented slowly so people never had a clue what was happening to them. Now, they are trapped, shunned, penalized and in some cases, destitute.

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Trilateral Commissioner Michael Bloomberg Appointed As UN Envoy For Climate Action

This is a hugely important appointment and illustrates the tight relationship between the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, Global Warming and Sustainable Development. Bloomberg is one of the richest men in the world, worth $50.3 in 2018. It is a must to read my book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation to see how this all fits together, but it does and it is undeniable

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Kuora: Why Do Technocrats Dominate China’s Political Elite?

This written from within China, and states what I have been claiming for several years now. Zbigniew Brzezinski brought China into the economic mainstream in 1978 and wrote that communism was a natural stepping-stone to achieve what he termed the "Technetronic Era", which was basically Technocracy. China is, in fact, a Technocracy and if the world wants to contain China's ambitions, they had better wake up to this fact.

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The Tyranny Of Algorithms Could Soon Rate Everything We Do

The fourth and fifth requirements of Technocracy as declared in 1934 are,  "Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used." and "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual." [Scott, Howard et al, Technocracy Study Course, p. 232

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United Arab Emirates: A True Green Economy Pioneer?

Green Economy is synonymous with Sustainable Development and Technocracy. With opposing cultural world views between China and the Islamic world, both are pitted in competition to be the leaders in implementing Sustainable Development. Apparently, the SDG's of the United Nations' Sustainable Development are compatible with Sharia law and the Koran.

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The Mind Of Technocracy: China Pushes Race-Based ‘Narcissistic Nationalism’

China's totalitarian/cultural history and Technocracy fit hand-in-glove. The current leader, Xi Jinping, has declared himself emperor-for-life and is modeling himself after the butcher of the 20th century, Mao Zedong. China will replicate itself whenever and wherever it can. This China expert, Steven Mosher, says that “There is only one country in the world, I argue, and this is China, that is a disease of the heart” and  “China intends to snuff out America as the leading power in the world.”

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