Bitcoin: Head Of Bank For International Settlements Calls For Clampdown

The BIS is the central bank to central banks and is at the very heart of Technocracy. It's Technocrats have deemed open digital currencies to be anathema to the financial system; however, they are themselves working on their own digital currency where they will be the custodians of the blockchain.

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Cities 2030: Implementing the New Urban Agenda

The United Nations promotes Technocracy through its programs of Sustainable Development, New Urban Agenda and Agenda 2030. It has also sworn to overthrow capitalism and Free Enterprise altogether, and a key part of their strategy is to transform cities throughout the world.

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World Urban Forum Commits To Global, Harmonized Definition of Cities

With a Muslim woman now in charge of UN-Habitat and the New Urban Agenda, Islam has a direct path to potentially influence every city on earth. With many Islamic nations already committed to 'green finance', or Fintech, and Sustainable Development, it is little wonder that they would try to dominate at every turn.

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Chinese Police Using Facial-Recognition Glasses To ID Travelers in 3 Seconds Or Less

Facial recognition in China has taken the next logical step by giving police wifi-enabled and camera-equipped glasses in order to identify anyone they look at. The ID process can take as little as 3 seconds across 1.3 billion citizen records in the centralized database. This technology is coming to America and sooner than you think. Why? Because Technocrats full intend to conquer the whole world into their technological matrix.

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US Army Now Holding Drills With Ground Robots That Shoot

Technocrats in the military think that technology is the answer to warfare, and that means armed robotics ultimately equipped with autonomous AI. China and Russia have responded in kind, sparking an intense development war. Automated killing machines will make the first mechanized war, WW I or the 'Great War', appear like a minor skirmish.

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