Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Says Big Data And AI Pose Threat To Humans

Technocrat Jack Ma's Alibaba is the Amazon of China, and he is closely aligned with the Chinese government. He readily admits that "The AI and robots are going to kill a lot of jobs as machines will replace humans in future" and that Big Data and AI are a threat to humanity. Nevertheless, Technocracy races forward in China and around the world.

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China Building ‘Super Laser’ That Can Rip Holes In Space

Why would Technocrats want to rip holes in outer space? Because they can. China is a Technocracy that believes the answer to everything is found in science and only science. Super-lasers have application in weather modification, terrestrial warfare and space warfare, and China can be expected to dominate all three.

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USA Today: Creating Clouds To Stop Global Warming Could Wreak Havoc

Geo-engineering has been happening for several years now, but USA Today is just now admitting that possibility by stating it would be more devastating to stop geo-engineering than it might be to start it in first place. What? They haven't started it yet but they are more worried about stopping? Well, of course they have already started massive geo-engineering in the West, so their timeline is just a few years off

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Jon Rappoport: Technocracy vs. The Creative Forse

Few veteran journalists grasp Technocracy better than Jon Rappoport, who is also able to paint a poignant picture in so few words. It is worth reading this entire article to get another person's view of the dangers of Technocracy.

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Security Fears Spark Crackdown On Chinese Tech

What technology was not freely given to them by the Western elite was stolen from universities, government offices and laboratories by hacking, espionage and physical theft. Now U.S. officials are finally figuring out that the Chinese don't really like America and are blanketing us with return technology that has all kinds of back doors for increased spying and cyber-warfare. China is a Technocracy bent on dominating the world.

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