Joseph Fletcher’s Dark Dreams Becoming Our Reality

This is a thoughtful article and an important part of the history of modern ethics: Fletcher was an Episcopalian priest who converted to atheism before launching into situational ethics in the early 1970s. This twisted system of ethics has enabled modern Technocrats to do anything their mind can dream up.

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Songdo, South Korea: The Smartest Smart City In The World

Technocrats have found their Nirvana in Songdo, South Korea - a smart city built from the ground up with the latest Orwellian technology available. Companies like Cisco and Nvidia will make billions while perfecting such technology to bring back to American shores.

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UN Continues To Push Countries To Open Up Borders For Unrestricted Migration

UN migration champion Peter Sutherland is dead, but the UN continues to lever open borders to let the migration invasion continue. This is not surprising considering the overwhelming influence held at the UN by Islamic nations who are supplying the 'migrants' to Europe and elsewhere. Ultimately, the UN wants to achieve a borderless world with no migration restrictions.

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Warning: UN Building Geospatial Data Ecosystem To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals

Geospatial technology tracks things that move (ie, people, vehicles, etc.) in the context of why they move and for what purpose. Technocrats seek to track everything in the world, all of the time, for the purpose of command and control over those things. This is the essence of the Science of Social Engineering that Technocracy purports to implement.

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One Year On: Is Finland’s Universal Basic Income Experiment Working?

The only people who think that Finland's UBI experiment has any value, are the ideologues who dreamed it up in the first place. Technocrats from Big Tech companies are pushing UBI around the world as a say to mollify displaced workers who have been pushed out of the workforce by robots.

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The Two Faces Of Seattle: ‘We’re The Greenest’ vs. ‘No, We’re Still Brown’

Seattle has long-claimed the mantle of leadership for any leftist, eco-friendly, Agenda 21 supporting policies that comes down the pike, and yet its practice falls far from matching its rhetoric, and likely never will. Such policies do nothing but increase prices, stifle property rights and saddle businesses with ridiculous rules and regulations.

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