The Future Of Work: Technocracy And The March Of The Machines

This report gives an interesting overview of technology invading the workforce over the last 100 years, but leaves Technocracy itself in the dustbin of history. TN believes that Technocracy is alive and well under the name of Sustainable Development promoted by the United Nations. The U.N. is sworn to overthrow Capitalism and Free Enterprise, replacing it with Sustainable Development.

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DARPA At Work: Military Targets Urban Battlespace To Test Drone Swarm Tactics

The military has fast-tracked drone swarming project for immediate deployment for urban warfare. These swarms, coordinated with swarms of ground vehicles and robotic devices, can surround and isolate a target within a single city-block, within 30 minutes. China and the U.S. are said to be racing neck-and-neck in this arms race, but the presence of China Electronics Technocracy in the test zone speaks otherwise: China and the U.S. may well be privately sharing technology with each other. 

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China Has Killed Cash With Ubiquitous e-Payment Systems

China, the world's biggest and most established Technocracy, has all but achieved a totally cashless state by implementing digital e-payment systems via smart phones. Coupled with ubiquitous camera surveillance and identification, China will soon have its thumb on an electronic gulag from which there is no escape, relief or appeal.

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China Using Facial Recognition In Drive For Total Surveillance

China's clear intent is to build a police state with 100% total surveillance, where every citizen is tracked, monitored and analyzed around the clock. AI is applied to issue a 'social score' to everyone based on pliability and obedience. Their motto “keeping trust is glorious” is mirrored by the harsh effects of "breaking trust" and being isolated and restricted from normal societal necessities. In short, their Internet has become their gulag. 

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Claim: Scientists Could One Day Make Humans Immortal

Technocrats and Transhumans will not let their immortality pitch die, as it repeatedly appears in major publications around the world, and with all the standard reasons: cryonics, singularity and mind uploading. Invariably, Ray Kurzweil's name appears in the article.

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Michael Gove: Genetically Modified Animals Could To Enter UK Food Chain After Brexit

Technocrats are in process of solidifying the lie that CRISPR technology can be used on animals to “accelerate the process of breeding and evolution”, as if there were no risks involved and that the animals with altered genes were functionally equivalent to their naturally-bred counterparts. This is simply not true. Secondly, it should be noted that Brexit is giving way to these Technocrats, including Prime Minister Theresa May, who was identified as a Technocrat even before she took office.

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