February 2019

China Poised To Dominate 5G

China is proving that Technocracy is expansionary, seeking beyond its own people to dominate the whole world. 5G, AI and IoT are the three most important technologies to achieve that goal, and thus, China intends to dominate all three.

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Australia PM Adviser: Climate Change Is ‘UN-Led Ruse To Establish New World Order’

Although he is 100 percent correct, Newman is getting hammered for his remarks: "anti-science, fringe views", "whacko", "bizarre",  "crazed conspiracy theorist". His remarks were directed toward Christiana Figueres who previously stated that the UN goal is to destroy Capitalism and Free Enterprise and replace it with Sustainable Development, aka, Technocracy.

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Expert Warns 5G Could Cause Cancer In Humans

The health concerns over 5G may or may not be justified in the end, but the industry's refusal to permit adequate testing and release of existing data is reprehensible. In the meantime, 5G is the great enabler of Technocracy. 

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CRISPR Gene Editing Toolbox Is Expanding

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]There is an arms race of sorts as genetic scientists 'scour the planet' for alternatives to standard CRISPR technology. As it gathers steam, editing the human genome will prove to be the scourge of humanity.

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