April 2019

Scientists Prove Man-Made Global Warming Is A Hoax

There are many journalists and scientists today who are writing about the fraudulent nature of global warming dogma, citing verified scientific studies. Nevertheless, the warmist hysteria continues to grow, exhibiting symptoms cult-like behavior.

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Rockefeller Foundation To Disband ‘100 Resilient Cities Project’, Lay Off Staff

But, it's not what you think. They say the major objectives of 100RC have been met and that the resources are going to be repurposed to other projects. The Rockefeller Foundation will shift some funding to the Atlantic Council, another hotbed of Trilateral Commission members.

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Europe Embraces China’s Belt And Road Initiative

As a Technocracy, China is driven to create infrastructure and develop the global supply chain, both of which are central to its Belt and Road initiative. Europe is playing both sides of the fence with America on one hand, and China on the other.

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Call For SDR As ‘True Global Currency’ Is A Red Herring

The SDR has been around for 50 years and is structurally incapable of becoming the world's 'true global currency'. Thus, this story by a globalist academic and high-ranking UN official is a red herring meant to deflect attention away from Fintech that is expected to finance the Green Economy, aka Sustainable Development and Technocracy.

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8,700 ‘Opportunity Zones’ In U.S. Targeted For Smart City Infrastructure

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]There are 35 million people living in Opportunity Zones throughout America who have no idea that Chinese-style surveillance is about to descend upon them. This investment scheme gives huge tax breaks to any company who invests in infrastructure in these areas.

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Update: Google Cancels AI Ethics Panel After Uproar

Google's ethics panel got swarmed by thousands of (unethical?) non-participants attacking individual members of its ethics panel. The result was utter chaos, resignations and finally, cancelling the whole thing. Big Tech and ethics are approaching oxymoronic status.

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