October 2019

UK Faces Huge Loss From Electric Vehicle Adoption

Climate change mania and the policies it generates will drive Britain into an oblivion of economic ruin unless it regains a bit of sanity to reject Green Economy thinking, which has caused the biggest global malinvestment scheme of all time.

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Jeff Bezos: ‘We Have To Go To Space To Save Earth’

This is the best article that I have yet seen that intentionally gets inside the head of Technocrat Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon and the richest man on planet earth. Bezos is building an empire that resembles Star Trek's villainous Borg: swallowing entire societies by informing "You will be assimilated".

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C40 Summit: Mayors Embrace Global Green New Deal

The Mayors of 80 major global cities declare undying support for Green New Deal ideology. Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti was elected Chairman of C40. The green insanity has infected Copenhagen, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, Austin, London and Seattle among others.

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Walter Williams: Idiotic Environmental Predictions

The ugly bedrock philosophy of Scientism has inbred upon itself when it claims that science is the only source of truth about reality. Its result is not only un-scientific, but anti-scientific as it drives itself to justify its own fallacies at any cost.

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How Google’s Search Engine Determines Winners And Losers

su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]Run by Technocrat mindset, Google practices its Science of Social Engineering at every level, putting companies in a position to live or die by search engine placement of ads and keywords. If you run afoul, Google can crush you.

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