8,700 ‘Opportunity Zones’ In U.S. Targeted For Smart City Infrastructure

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]There are 35 million people living in Opportunity Zones throughout America who have no idea that Chinese-style surveillance is about to descend upon them. This investment scheme gives huge tax breaks to any company who invests in infrastructure in these areas.

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Update: Google Cancels AI Ethics Panel After Uproar

Google's ethics panel got swarmed by thousands of (unethical?) non-participants attacking individual members of its ethics panel. The result was utter chaos, resignations and finally, cancelling the whole thing. Big Tech and ethics are approaching oxymoronic status.

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5G Will Revolutionize Internet Of Things And AI Platforms

T-Mobile lays out the real driver behind 5G: IoT and AI. Connecting everything and everybody together will permit command and control like never seen before in history. Unimaginable volumes of data will be collected, which is the life-blood of Artificial Intelligence.

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