If Seeing Is Believing, Get Ready To Be Deceived

When the eco-world gets their hands on 'deep fake' AI software, they can make earth images that cannot be detected as false, inserting things that are not there and removing things that are there. Forget 'lying with statistics'; Now it's lying with images.

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Sony’s Robot Dog Banned In Illinois Over Facial Recognition

Illinois law blocks facial recognition technology for private industry, but not for government or police. The last paragraph of the bill states, "Nothing in this Act shall be construed to apply to a contractor, subcontractor, or agent of a State agency or local unit of government when working for that State agency or local unit of government."

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AI Can’t Understand Or Duplicate Humor

AI is a machine algorithm and not a human mind. As such, AU does not share any semblance of human emotion, including humor. Every rendering of judgement will be made on sterile machine logic. Should AI ever be left making decisions for humans?

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AI Can Hate You With No Human Input

Several recent studies have shown that deep learning AI can develop biases just like humans do. The problem is that AI is completely void of human emotion, modeling a Schizoid Personality Disorder.

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