IBM’s ‘Debater AI’ Loses Debate To Human

]Now computer AI can argue with you. IBM again pushes the envelope with its advanced AI software/hardware to take on a champion human debater, but it lost. The next debate may turn out differently.

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AI Algorithms Are Writing Stories, Replacing Reporters

If words are a medium of creative human communication, how can an inhuman AI computer program add to knowledge? The answer is that it cannot, and in fact, it dumbs it down. Why should "artificial" replace the real thing?

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Space-Based Technocracy: Asgardia Exceeds 1,000,000 Citizens

[su_note note_color="#daf2fd" radius="2"]The space cult is run by billionaires at the top level of the United Nations and global elite, and yet they now have over 1 million 'signups' who have sword allegiance to the new constitution, which touts Technocracy. No, this isn't a joke!

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