NOAA’s Pathetic Weather Forecast From Last November

NOAA's forecast just 10 weeks ago proves that they have no idea of what they are talking about. Northern temps have been as much as 40 degrees below normal, all-time cold records have been recorded throughout the northern states and snowfall has been one of the heaviest ever. The problem? NOAA is full of Technocrats who cuddle their faulty data in a windowless room and then rely on faulty computer models to make predictions.

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Facebook’s Data Scandals Multiply Like Rabbits

Now Facebook is caught in yet another outrageous data scandal that pays unsuspecting teenagers to install a background app that sucks all data out of their phones: messages, emails, browser histories, phone calls, etc. This may be in violation of both Apple and Android app store regulations.

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Dr. Tim Ball: Tyranny Of The Technocrat Minority

Technocrats generally don't believe in voting at all, but rather following the 'rule of science' where the last word (final vote) is based on their scientific declarations. Thus, if they declare it, it must be correct... and all else is swept away

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Chickens Genetically Modified To Lay Eggs Containing Cancer Drugs

Monsanto delivers pesticides in corn seed and not GMO chickens will deliver cancer drugs through their eggs. The problem? The DNA germline is permanently changed and can never be restored to its original state. Secondly, there is no testing possible to see what affect it will have on humans.

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