May 2020

Neil Ferguson’s Computer Model Is Ripped To Shreds

rofessor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in London started the Great Panic of 2020 with a thoroughly flawed computer model that was thoroughly unfit for scientific use. Was he instead virtue-signalling to his radical left-wing married lover?

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Facial Recognition AI Predicts Criminals Based On Face?

The racist pseudoscience of phrenology was debunked in the early 1900s but Technocrat software developers have given it new life with AI-based facial recognition algorithms, saying they can spot a likely criminal with 80% accuracy and without racial bias.

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The Mental Health Fallout Of The Great Panic Of 2020

Fear, isolation and depression throughout the world lead to extreme outcomes that computer modelers completely ignored. In the U.S., increased suicides may approach the number actually killed by COVID-19. Technocrat social engineers apparently count this as necessary collateral damage.

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Harvard: Using AI For Personalized Predictive Quarantine

If your predictive AI doesn't work with crime prevention, why not try it out on predictive quarantines instead? Harvard says all it needs is more data, where government "can certainly ramp up national health data gathering by creating or rolling out more comprehensive electronic medical records."

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Twitter Raises Censorship Bar Over COVID-19

Twitter is full of Technocrats who want to control the narrative of every issue. Once censorship started over COVID-19, it has gone in only one direction: more of it. Now, Twitter will warn and/or censor you over anything that differs from the official WHO/CDC narrative.

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Rappoport: China’s System Comes To America

Jon Rappoport correctly understands that the Great Panic of 2020 is not about sickness or saving lives. Rather, it is about the restructuring of everything, including transportation, social relationship, work, public events, etc. Nothing is left untouched.

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Club Of Rome Calls For Green Reboot After Pandemic

The writers state that "we can use the science to design economies that will mitigate the threats of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pandemics." In fact, science has already designed such as system and it is called Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development.

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