July 2020

The Purpose Of COVID-19 Censorship: Don’t Allow ‘Both Sides Of The Argument’

Academics have clearly articulated the modus operandi for mass censorship of opposing views: when "the science tells us that there’s only one side", then "avoid presenting 'both sides of the argument'”. This is the pinnacle of Scientism and Technocracy, and fully explains why COVID-19 critics are being 'canceled'.

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Mask Fatigue: Workers Claim Anxiety, Headaches And Shortness Of Breath

Technocrats don't care if people get sick from wearing masks. They also don't care about the ancillary deaths that have occurred because of lockdowns and the millions put out of work after destroying the economic system. They feign compassion for few people dying from a virus while shoving the rest of the population off the cliff.

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Technocrat Fauci: Now It’s Goggles Or Eye Shields

Technocrats around the world have sunk their claws into society and have no intention of letting go. Relying on 'quidelines' instead of actual laws, they are increasingly conditioning people to submit to their version of pseudo-science dictates. There will be no end to this until America forcefully rejects Technocrats and Technocracy.

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Divide, Conquer, Reset And Then Scientific Dictatorship

The endgame of Technocracy as an economic system is total control using its "science of social engineering". Before that can happen, the current economic system must be destroyed and the people prepared for total submission to the coming scientific dictatorship where the world is run by algorithm rather than elected representatives. 

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Boom: Squarespace Shutters Website Of America’s Frontline Doctors

Apparently, micro-minded Technocrats at a leading website hosting company Squarespace know better how to treat COVID-19 than do highly-trained doctors actually treating patients. This is the utter and Orwellian hypocrisy of Technocracy, claiming pseudo-science to be real and real science to be fake.

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Miami Vice: Cops Set Up ‘Mask Traps’ To Issue $100 Fines

Miami police are citing anyone in their jurisdiction who they deem is wearing their face mask improperly. They are ticketing in public areas as well as in private businesses. Citizens should band together in a class-action lawsuit against the city and break this illegal madness once and for all.

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Bill Gates: From Bioethics To Eugenics

Bill Gates is not the only Technocrat who believes in eugenics, but he is certainly the figurehead. Social engineering, death panels, population reduction, vaccinations, etc., all play into a world of other people deciding your fate on planet earth. Gates has the entire medical industry panting after his loopy ideology.

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