July 2020

DC Mayor: $1,000 Fine For Not Wearing Mask Outside Home

The Great Panic of 2020 is rising to new heights as police in Washington, DC are instructed to issue $1, 000 citations to anyone caught not wearing a mask in public. This only demonstrates that the police state currently has the upper hand in America.

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Huntington Beach Becoming Symbol Of ‘We Will Not Comply’

Although this article is highly critical of "mask doubters", the fact remains that Huntington Beach residents are in disbelief and fed up with coronavirus panic measures. The attitude is spreading throughout Orange County, which is traditionally more conservative than other parts of California

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The Dark Past Of The Bank For International Settlements

Today, the BIS is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless. It is readily apparent that it has not lost its power and influence over the decades. For anyone wanting to understand how the world really works, this is a must-read paper.

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Ankle Bracelets For Kentucky Couple After COVID-19 Test

Tyrants of all shapes and sizes are turning America into a draconian police state. After testing positive for COVID-19, Elizabeth Linstott's offer to self-quarantine wasn't good enough for contact tracers, so they slapped ankle bracelets on her and her husband, putting them under "house arrest".

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COVID-19 Groupthink: The Politicalization Of Pandemic Hysteria

There is a mental virus far more dangerous than any coronavirus; that is, the one that leads to the elimination of reasonable thinking which in turn leads to the destruction of our economy and society at large. Technocrats who are orchestrating this madness are salivating for their day in the sun.

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