August 2020

C.S. Lewis: Scientism And The Abolition Of Man

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) wrote extensively about the destructive nature of Scientism and its inevitable consequences on society as a whole. Technocracy and Transhumanism are the twin agents Scientism that will destroy civilization.

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Neurological Problems Reported In 55% Of COVID-19 Patients

Nobody is pointing out the role of wearing face masks in accompanying brain epidemic. Dr. Russell Blaylock wrote, "By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain."

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Club Of Rome: Planetary Emergency Plan Declared

Club of Rome was originally founded at a meeting in David Rockefeller's house in Bellagio, Italy, and promoted alarmism over population growth. Its 1973 book, Limits to Growth, coincided with the creation of the Trilateral Commission, also by Rockefeller. They are still at it.

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The Siamese Twins Of Technocracy And Transhumanism

Technocracy and Transhumanism have always been joined at the hip. Technocracy uses its "science of social engineering" to merge technology and society. Transhumanism uses its field of NBIC to merge technology directly into humans. To put it another way, Technocracy is to society what Transhumanism is to the humans that live in it. 

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Transhuman Elon Musk: Your Brain Will Get Its Own USB-C Port

Elon Musk is a consummate Technocrat and Transhumanist who seeks the merging of technology and the human body with the ultimate purpose of achieving immortality. His Neuralink project experiments with Brain Machine Interfaces (BMI) literally puts silicon in your skull and connects it to the outside world

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Australian PM: COVID-19 Vaccine Should Be Mandatory

Technocrats controlling the pandemic narrative have been feverishly working political backchannels to ensure that every human on planet earth will be forced into a vaccination routine that starts with one shot but will be open-ended for future shots.

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