September 2020

Wi-Fiber Tech Drives Ultimate SMART City Surveillance Systems

Total surveillance in Smart Cities has not been curtailed in the slightest as new tech is rolled out to police forces around America. Components like sensors, cameras, license plate readers, CCTV and more are being rolled up into a single surveillance sledgehammer for police, DHS, Fusion Centers, etc.

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Two-Shot Vaccine Requirement Will Lead To Vaccine Chaos

Oh, they didn't tell you? The new soon-to-arrive vaccines requires that you receive TWO SHOTS, not just one, and they must be from the same vaccine maker, taken 60 days apart. With multiple vaccine makers, tracking who got what and when will be a logistical nightmare.

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Ron Paul: Question ‘The Science’? Go To Gulag!

Nobody is safe from censorship, including former presidential candidate and Congressman Ron Paul. Anyone who questions the World Health Organization, a thoroughly corrupt institution of the United Nations, will be dropped like a hot potato.

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Covidean Creed: The Gospel According To Technocracy

Irreverent and cynical as it is, this parody points out that others recognize the religious nature of Technocracy that is based on Scientism, that is, that all truth about man, nature and the universe is discovered solely through science. All other traditional sources of truth such as the Bible, philosophy and logic are completely rejected.

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