September 2020

Another Scare-You-To-Death COVID-19 Computer Model Surfaces

As the new White House coronavirus adviser suggests working toward 'herd immunity', Big Pharma is panicking to destroy the concept by predicting 210,000 extra deaths if that strategy is adopted. Technocrats want to keep the masks on while maintaining strict social distancing.

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Global Technocracy And The ‘Great Reset’ Is Coming Like A Bullet Train

This important book review by Steven Guinness (UK) reveals the same old language of 'interdependence', collaboration and cooperation that was heard from the Trilateral Commission in 1973. The then-and-now goal is Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, and will result in the biggest resource grab in the history of the world.

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Smart Grid Control For Energy To Be Extended To Water

Controlling fresh and waste water is part of Technocracy's domination over energy and economic activity. Fresh water can be metered and allocated while sewage can be sampled for the presence of coronavirus. Statements about controlling human health are increasingly seen across all Technocrat memes.

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WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

The pseudo-science promoting lockdowns, face masks, social distancing and business closures is being exposed as it falls apart. The world has been "had" by megalomaniacal Technocrats who have treated their faulty science as some sort of god that is omniscient, infallible and immutable.

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Shock: Tennessee Technocrats Plan ‘Wellbeing Checks’ For All Children

The carefully orchestrated Great Panic of 2020, aka pandemic, has unleashed horrific programs at the hands of techno-tyrants who have seized the opportunity to transform society. Tennessee officials want to invade every home in the state to interview children for "wellbeing", even in the absence of their parents. "Wellbeing" is defined by the state, not by the parents.

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Grounded: Delta Bans Travelers Who Refuse To Wear Masks

A Delta flight from Detroit turned around after some passengers removed their masks in-flight and then refused to put them back on. It has now created a "no-fly list" for such cantankerous travelers who will not be allowed on any Delta flight in the future. Will refusing to wear a face mask soon be equated to terrorism?

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Apple And Google Now Modifying Phones To Include Full Contact Tracing

Apple and Google power almost every smart phone on earth and now they have jointly agreed to build a full contact tracing app into their core operating systems. This means that an Android phone can 'rat' on an iPhone, and vice versa. The door is now wide open for a ubiquitous global command and control system for every person on earth.

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