October 2020

Flashback 2016: Face Masks Didn’t Work Then, Either

Originally published on the Oral Health website, it vanished in June 2020 and was replaced with the statement, "...it has been removed. The content was published in 2016 and is no longer relevant in our current climate." Who would have the clout, time and money to scour the Internet to force removal of anti-face mask research papers? This is "book burning" at its worst.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participants Are Reporting Serious Side-Effects

As the old adage goes, "you have to break some eggs to make an omelet", so Big Pharma quickly dismisses a few sickened people as an acceptable price to pay for everyone getting vaccinated. There will be no long-term studies available for years and those who suffer diseases will be dismissed as "unrelated" to the vaccine.

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Bill Gates: His Three-Part Plan To Eradicate COVID-19

According to Gates, the price to get rid of face masks and social distancing is to vaccinate everyone, everywhere. Vaccines for poor countries must be financed by rich countries. In so doing, he says "we can also build the system that will help reduce the damage of the next pandemic."

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