December 10, 2020

Technopopulism Explains Trump Administration’s Affinity For Technocrats

Populists leans on Technocrats to "make things work" but it is often a conflicted and tumultuous partnership. Technocracy under Trump has made great strides in 5G, surveillance, Internet of Things, AI, Operation Warp Speed, etc. Whether Technopopulism or liberal Technocracy, Technocrats win in the end.

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Brain Mapping: Technocrats Are Learning How To Decode Your Thoughts

It was former President Barack Obama who supplied hundreds of millions in taxpayer funds to kickstart the Mapping the Brain initiative by stating that it was as important as mapping the human genome. Since then, Technocrats have taken over to find dystopian ways to turn this newly discovered knowledge into a dystopian human management system.

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