Mass Protest In Germany To Ditch Face Mask Mandates

Many citizens in Germany are fed up with national mandates to wear face masks, and have shown up in the streets with tens of thousands of protestors. They were heavily criticized by the government and leaders are being charged with violations.

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The Purpose Of COVID-19 Censorship: Don’t Allow ‘Both Sides Of The Argument’

Academics have clearly articulated the modus operandi for mass censorship of opposing views: when "the science tells us that there’s only one side", then "avoid presenting 'both sides of the argument'”. This is the pinnacle of Scientism and Technocracy, and fully explains why COVID-19 critics are being 'canceled'.

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Mask Fatigue: Workers Claim Anxiety, Headaches And Shortness Of Breath

Technocrats don't care if people get sick from wearing masks. They also don't care about the ancillary deaths that have occurred because of lockdowns and the millions put out of work after destroying the economic system. They feign compassion for few people dying from a virus while shoving the rest of the population off the cliff.

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Technocrat Fauci: Now It’s Goggles Or Eye Shields

Technocrats around the world have sunk their claws into society and have no intention of letting go. Relying on 'quidelines' instead of actual laws, they are increasingly conditioning people to submit to their version of pseudo-science dictates. There will be no end to this until America forcefully rejects Technocrats and Technocracy.

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