Oh Canada: No Vaccine? You’re Grounded!

The iron teeth of Technocracy are razor sharp and fully barred in Canada and beyond as extortion is revealed based on taking away basic privileges if citizens refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19. No vaccine? You're grounded and must continue to wear a mask.

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5 Burning Questions About the New Covid Vaccine

In order to protect their intellectual property rights, Big Pharma Technocrats have shrouded their genetically modified vaccines in secrecy. Aside from marketing hype, little is known about the vaccine about to be given to hundreds of millions of people.

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Welsh To Receive Certificate Of Vaccination To Prove Status

Technocrats around the world are brewing a public-private nightmare as a two-class system creates haves and have-nots based on vaccines.  If you want to get along, you will be forced to go along. The goal is to dominate and re-engineer the human condition.

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Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

Lockdowns and mask mandates are social engineering tactics to prepare citizens for the Great Reset. In the eyes of Technocrats, you must obey their pseudo-science. The spread of COVID-19 is blamed on humans who refuse to obey, and therefore all must be further punished.

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