January 2021

Technocrats In China Introduce Anal Swabs To Test For COVID

Given the recent testing of sewer systems for the presence of COVID-19, it was just a matter of time and opportunity before scientists in China decided to go to the source for samples, namely, your anus. If wearing a face mask is seen as humiliating, just wait until these come to America.

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Forget Nature, Scientists Think They Can Grow Better Wood In Labs

This revelation is closely related to transhumanism thanks to a statement like "With the ability to “tune” the plant cells into whatever shape they decide...". Transhumans propose to create Humanity 2.0 through genetic engineering to cleanse unwanted characteristics from the gene pool and insert other desired characteristics into it.

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The Fog Of War: Proof Masks And Lockdowns Are Worthless

There is good reason why the Bible warns, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 29:18). In the case of Technocracy's coup d'etat, those who will not see, cannot see. Their Technocrat enslavement will be on their own heads. We have warned from the beginning of the pandemic panic that the whole scheme was an intentional fraud.

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